Giants seem to do better when coming from behind. When they are leading the coaches become cautious and do not play right. They have not learned to put teams away. That is one of the reasons for Eli's fourth quarter comebacks and sensational two minute drills. That is the only time they release him and let him be himself. Corner back Brown is great on interceptions. Not that great on coverage. Giants should play Wilson and Brown more. Bradshaw needs more humility. He is good but limited. Refs killed the Giants yesterday. Gave Dallas all the calls. Again. Critics say that Eli gets the team in trouble then has to bail them out. Not so. The cautious play calling makes his numbers look bad early. Notice that when Dallas took the lead 24-23 the Giants offense took on a completely different look. They have to stop sitting on leads. And one of the reasons the Giants play down to their opponents is that the coaches don't coach as well in those scenarios. Hopefully, the Giants will learn better. Their coaching is still way better than Dallas whose coaches cannot put a game plan together. Dallas has a tremendous amount of talent which good coaching would improve their won-loss record.
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